Export of PVC joinery

Way In Building & Civil Construction

EXPORT DasmarTermo

Among the main reasons why many foreign companies have chosen to collaborate and become partners of Dasmar Termo SRL, are: the quality offered and the affordable prices.

We currently have more and more partners from different parts of the world, such as: Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Great Britain, Switzerland, Austria, Norway.

The company Dasmar Termo SRL specializes internationally in the production of Rehau doors and windows, being also part of the group of manufacturers in the field of aluminium carpentry.

In order for our products to reach their destination safely, we provide transport.

DASMAR Resellers/ Dealers

We are looking for lasting and mutually beneficial relationships!

We, DasMar, are of a continuous interest to associate with the best partners in various fields. We support long-term partnerships with our dealers and partners, as well as mutual interests. That is why, through our products, we want to create the best business opportunities for our reseller partners.

DasMar partners benefit from:

  • Showroom arrangement;
  • PVC corners and windows;
  • Logistic support and permanent sales support;
  • Specialized software;
  • Advantageous promotions.
CONTACT FORM – DasMar Partners

Fill out the form below and apply to become a DasMar partner.
We specify that profitable businesses are built with professional partners

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